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Wheelers Chartered Accountants





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




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Wheelers is a forward-thinking firm of Chartered Accountants based in Exeter.

We are always looking for opportunities to help our clients. We offer all our business clients a free meeting to put together a one-page plan which identifies their business goals and creates a roadmap map to achieve them.

Wheelers Chartered Accountants(圖2)-速報App

We also carry out an annual diagnostic review to show them how they can make more profits, save tax and achieve greater control in running their businesses.

We meet with our business clients at least twice a year to discuss their results and to put together clear action plans.

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We systematically provide our clients with advice to reduce their personal and business tax bills.

We produce benchmarking reports so that our clients can compare their results with others in their industry or sector.

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We offer training programmes to help our clients clarify their business goals, implement systems and achieve sustainable growth.

We agree a fixed price with you up front so you know exactly how much you’ll be paying. What’s more, you can pay monthly by direct debit so as to spread the cost over the whole year.

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Contact us today to arrange a twenty minute telephone conversation so that we can learn about your particular circumstances and see if we can help you.